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4 Deacons and 2 Presbyters ordained

It was a special day for the Diocese to witness six dedicated young persons commits their lives to the service of the Lord in the ordination service held on 23 June, 2013 in Christ Church Cathedral, Amritsar. Mr. Hemanta Digal, Mr. Parvez Egbert, Mr. Makhir Lal Singh and Mrs. Kiran Thapaliyal were ordained as Deacons and Dn. Viney Sunny and Dn. Vijay Kumar were ordained as Presbyters in the Diocese of Amritsar.

Bishop P. K. Samantaroy, Rev. Sohan Lal, Rev. Ayub Daniel and Rev. Lily Samantaroy had conducted an ordination retreat for the six ordinands from 20 – 22 June at the Diocesan Headquarters. The candidates were educated about the holistic mission and ministry of the Diocese and Church of North India at large. The culmination of the rich experience of senior presbyters and of the Bishop helped the ordinands in their ministerial life.

Bishop P.K. Samantaroy led the Ordination service. The Office Bearers of the Diocese, three congregations i.e. Epiphany Church, St. Paul's Church and Christ Church Cathedral, Amritsar and family members and relatives of the ordinands totalling 800 people were present on this blessed occasion.

Rev. Vijay Kumar
