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Have you ever walked on the roads of Amritsar? If yes, then you would understand the gravity of the situation when I say last Sunday traffic stopped for 7000 pedestrians walking with palm leaves and singing aloud “Hosanna!”

The Palm Sunday procession was organized by the Diocese of Amritsar (CNI), Salvation Army Church, Methodist Church and Seventh Day Adventist Church.

The procession began after the Worship service in the Salvation Army Church and concluded in St. Paul’s Church, CNI, with fellowship lunch.

We asked some people what this Palm Sunday’s highlight was for them. And this is what they said:

“I liked the banners with Peace on Earth written on them. I had one decorated in front of the car I was driving”, said Mr. Vijay Raj Gil.

For Mr. Kishor Kumar, “It is one day of such fellowship in a year. People wait to get together and celebrate this day.”

This is what brought Mr. Gomed Bagh to the procession. “The fellowship and the interactions after Church service with new people were good.” And he quickly added, “The food was good too.”

Mrs. Sangeeta Kumar said that the loudspeakers were too loud. “We couldn’t hear each other”, she said.

And Mr. Mohinder Singh said that the public address system was good. “We sang throughout the procession. Everyone could hear us.”

Mr. Edwin Paul was very happy with this year’s organization of the programme. “It was a historical event for Christians as well as for people from other faiths. People welcomed us on the road with water and food.  During lunch two people brought a lorry of rice and distributed along with the food that was prepared by the organizers.” He said he also liked the Peace on Earth banners and white hats with the Diocesan logo that the clergy wore.

Like every year the April heat was a concern for the Organising Committee. But prayers work. People came from all surrounding areas. More than ever. The weather was strangely pleasant. And after the long walk with the singing and carrying the palm leaves and wooden crosses, people stayed after lunch to catch up with old friends and made some new ones.  Miracles happen even today.