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Interfaith Seminar on “Right to Live”


Diocese of Amritsar, CNI


The Diocese of Amritsar, Church of North India, organized an Interfaith Seminar themed “Right to Live” on 16th March 2011 in Amritsar.

Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Atheism were represented by 60 delegates participating from various religious beliefs in this challenging exchange of perspectives. Rev.Udai Singh, Jathedar Gyani Kewal Singh, Mohd. Hamid Kauser Sahib and Dr. B.K.Sharma presented their religious outlook of life. The theme was not only confined to human beings but to the whole of nature.

Bishop P.K.Samantaroy addressed the gathering that we could understand what was in God’s mind by looking at his creation. If life is not lived in fullness then it is not Godly. The belief in life also encompasses accountability to God. The Bishop encouraged the delegates to come together and find out what to do.

Mr. Daniel B.Das, Coordinator, Socio Economic Develpoment Programme, introduced the topic in the light of universal declaration of human rights.

Bishop Matthias Shmidt from Germany gave the crowd two important points to contemplate upon. The first was that borders have to be overcome and the other was that borders have to be respected. He said that we need to respect our borders to regard and respect ourselves.

Col. ( Retd.) G.S.Sandhu, Chairman, Aapna Punjab, threw light on various constitutional rights. He added’ “In India, law is denied or delayed. And law delayed is law denied.” He said that this meeting was a wakeup call because our country is already in COMA- corruption, oppression, mismanagement and atrocities.

Mohd.  Hamid Kauser Sahib, Chief Secretary, Jamate Ahmadian Quadian, shared stories evils that happen in our world today. He said that people will be afraid of the law only if the protectors of law are true and just. If we don’t take care of the world today, our future generations will suffer. We need to educate our children and neighbors only then can we save our future.

Rev. Dr. Tonipara from Germany said that we are accepted by God as we are. We are created in the image of God. And also about fullness of life. He also spoke about poverty and ethical issues in Germany and their work. “We are not lords of lives of others,” he said.

Dr. Parminder, Guru Nanak Dev University, spoke about atrocities in Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh and other states in India and countries outside. He questioned the quality of live that could qualify to be defined as alive. He said that we must aspire to live in a socio-economic system where we are free to fight against injustice.

In the end a resolution was passed by raising of hands that all present delegates would raise their voices without hesitation against violation of human rights anywhere and at any time without religious discriminations.

By Smaraki Samantaroy

Communication Assistant

Diocese of Amritsar, Church of North India.

Bishop Matthias Shmidt
Bishop Samantaroy
Dr. Parminder
Gyani Kewal Singh Ji
Mohd.  Hamid Kauser Sahib
Dr. Tonipara